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1 Einträge gefunden!


Imago Maris international sailing for blind people

The Imago Maris Foundation was created to promote the idea of sailing
the sea for blind people from different European countries as well as
other countries all over world. We organize international voyages on
large sailing ships for the blind and visually impaired.
Our voyages are addressed to all sailing enthusiasts and those who want
to start their adventure at sea. The Imago Maris foundation projects are
organised for blind and partially sighted people who want to live a
great adventure, sail around Europe, try their hand at the helm, take
part in setting the sails or meet other adventurers who love the sea and
are looking for experience. People with vision impairment represent half
the crew. We also invite those seeing, who would like to participate in
the project.
The goal of Imago Maris Foundation is the rehabilitation and integration
of blind and visually impaired people through their active participation
in sea voyages and to show the world of blind people to those who can
Participation in the voyage is an opportunity to experience a true
sailing adventure, to face the challenge of the sea. It's also a chance
to meet new people, make new friends, overcome common obstacles and
joint celebration.
You are also invited to familiarize yourself with the description of our
voyages on our website and our facebook fanpage:

Deutsch, Englisch, Sonstige